Sunday, January 03, 2010

See through gold fish created by japan

Japanese scientists have successfully produced a species of gold fish (ryukin) which has a see through skin. Now it’s very easy to see the fish’s internal organs like heart, brain, and other parts, right through its invisible scales. The main reason behind the creation of this kind of fish is to eliminate the need for dissections and also as a response to animal rights groups who object to mass dissections.

Creating the 'Ryukin': the Translucent Goldfish

According to the researchers, the "ryukin" (Translucent Goldfish) has been created by picking mutant hatchery goldfish with pale skin and breeding them together. They were able to effectively bred fish with translucent, pigment-less scales and skin. The other best thing about this see-through fish is that it will also live for 20 years and grow up to 10 inches long. These things certainly prove that it’s not your average goldfish.

Another group of scientists have already developed translucent frogs and they are planning on 'mass producing' and selling as early as next year.

But surprisingly, such kind of transparent skin exists in the wild naturally and if you still didn’t believe that, then just check out the below picture photographed at the California coast with a see-through head for proof.

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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Solar eclipse july 22, 2009 timing and places

The solar eclipse, which is going to be taken place on July 22nd, 2009 seems to be the longest total solar eclipse in 21st century. This solar eclipse will last for 6 minutes, 58 seconds. The reason for exceptional duration in this solar eclipse is the presence of moon near perigee, where the diameter of the moon is 8% larger than sun. It has been predicted that total solar eclipse will be clearly visible in eastern China and India. But in India it seems to be a monsoon season now and so the best place for watching the eclipse is China. Already astronomers, natural enthusiasts and scientists have reached China and India for watching solar eclipse.

Solar eclipse Visible places:

The solar eclipse is also visible in northern Maldives, northern Bangladesh, Marshall Islands, Pacific Ocean, Bhutan Kiribati and Ryukyu Islands.

The total solar eclipse will be visible in many large cities like Baroda, Bhopal, Surat, Varanasi, Patna, Chengdu, Siluguri, Guwahati, Dinajpur, Yichang, Jingzhou, Wuhan, Nanchong, Chongqing, Huanggang, Hefei, Wuxi, Huzhou, Suzhou, Jiaxing, Ningbo, Hangzhou, Shanghai and as well as over the Three Gorges Dam.

Best place to view the solar eclipse:

Eclipse lasts for a longtime in Patna and Silluguri, so these places are seemed to be the best for viewing the eclipse.

But according to some experts, a place called Taregana in Bihar is the "best" place to view the event. Actually Taregana is the place where Aryabhatta set up an Astronomical Observatory in 6th Century. It has been believed that here only Aryabhatta proposed the Heliocentric model (Earth revolves around sun) and suggested for the first time in history.

Solar eclipse timings:

It will be seen in India from 5.35 a.m. to 7.25 a.m.


Don't watch the solar eclipse without proper precautions because it might lead to many problems including loss of eye sight.

This is the second eclipse out of three in the month (30 days) while the previous lunar eclipse took place on July 7th, 2009 and third lunar eclipse will take place on August 6th, 2009. There are lots of rumors and predictions going on that three eclipse in a month would cause great natural disasters like earth quake, Tsunami. Even some forwarded e-mails carrying this information and it is spreading like fire. But scientists and experts clearly stated that there is no chance for earth quake and Tsunami due to this solar eclipse while there will be a mild change in ocean tides. I don't know whether this is true or not, but preventions is always better than cure. So try to stay away from beaches on July 22nd, 2009 just for your safety.

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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Rare pictures - These people exist

Today I came across some interesting pictures while surfing internet and I like to share those pictures to you all. I don't know whether those people in those pics really exist or not, but all those pictures looked really interesting for me. I also don't have any idea whether it made by photoshop or by any other tool. Whatever may be just check out the pictures below and post your valuable comments.

Nothing inside the stomach?

Is it a fake?

Born to owl?

Why people are like this?

No need to take ticket?

Real superman?

Can you do this?

What kind of creature he is?

Is it true or balloons inside?

I hope that you all enjoyed watching these pictures.

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Hollywood actresses without makeup pictures
Bollywood (Indian) actresses without makeup pictures

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