Creating the 'Ryukin': the Translucent Goldfish
According to the researchers, the "ryukin" (Translucent Goldfish) has been created by picking mutant hatchery goldfish with pale skin and breeding them together. They were able to effectively bred fish with translucent, pigment-less scales and skin. The other best thing about this see-through fish is that it will also live for 20 years and grow up to 10 inches long. These things certainly prove that it’s not your average goldfish.
Another group of scientists have already developed translucent frogs and they are planning on 'mass producing' and selling as early as next year.
But surprisingly, such kind of transparent skin exists in the wild naturally and if you still didn’t believe that, then just check out the below picture photographed at the California coast with a see-through head for proof.
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